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Katrina Lehis on finaalis!
Roberta Marzani alistus seisuga 12:11. Foto: ekraanipilt võistluse teleülekandest
Lehise finaalivastane on ungarlanna Reka Bohus.
In modern terms, I don’t think the deisicon the Anti-Nephi-Lehis made was a covenant. As per a million seminary and Sunday School lessons, a covenant is a bargain offered by God that specifies certain obligations on our part and on His part. The Book of Mormon text (see Alma 24), by contrast, makes clear that the deisicon of the Anti-Nephi-Lehis was initiated by their king.Furthermore, no element of the text suggests that God made any promises in conjunction with this deisicon by the Anti-Nephi-Lehis. This wasn’t the kind of two-way, divinely-initiated deal we call a covenant these days; it was… Loe rohkem »