Galerii: Marju Mutsu tööde näitus Haapsalu linnagaleriis

Riina Tobias

Marju Mutsu poeg Kaarel Eelma
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Kuvatud 3 pilti, galeriis pilte: 7

5. veebruarist kuni kuu lõpuni saab linnagaleriis näha legendaarse graafiku Marju Mutsu loomingut. Näituse koostasid kunstniku pojad Pärt ja Kaarel Eelma.

Fotod: Arvo Tarmula

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12 aastat tagasi

Those appels are HUGE! I love huge appels. I know that the Spirit world is right here among us. I know that your dad is one of your ministering angels and even if you can’t feel his Spirit there, he is often with you in sorrow and in joy. He may have even gone with you to the apple orchards! He can help and protect you more from that side of the vail than right here with us. Thank the good Lord for your dad’s love and protection even though you can’t see him. Cry a little bit, and remember… Loe rohkem »